Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Jobs in the Tech Field that Interest Me

Here is a list of some jobs in the field of technology that interest me:

  1. Software Developer (Median salary = $90,060)
  2. Computer Systems Analyst - Computer systems analysts must understand computer hardware, software and networks and how they work together, so they can make recommendations to organizations for the best operations systems to use. (Median salary = $79,680)
  3. Game Designer (Median salary = $87,000)
  4. Biomedical Engineer (Median salary = $86,960)
  5. Information Security Analyst - These analysts are tasked with staying ahead of cyberattacks and keeping company data and systems secure. They focus on risk assessment, vulnerability assessment and defense planning to prevent company or government data from being breached. (Median salary = ($86,170)

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